Monday, December 17, 2012

The Paramount Theatre History In A Nutshell

Paramount Pictures has been making movies since the early 20th century. As showcases for their work in motion pictures, many movie theaters started to pop up around the United States, notably the ParamountTheatre in Illinois.

Although there are several locations where Paramount theaters were erected around America, the Chicago example is notable for some remaining original decorative items and the restoration work conducted in an effort to save what was a neglected building. Much has been done to maintain this building as a landmark worth seeing in its own right.

Paramount Theatre began showing pictures in the 1920s when it became apparent that moving pictures were going to stick around. In its original incarnation, the theater was owned by smaller firms which all merged to create a bigger entity. At first, most of the films shown at the theater were produced by Paramount Pictures.

As time wore on and the popularity of films grew, so did the size of the theater. Maintaining the look and feel of an historic film theater is difficult during a renovation, but much effort was made to preserve certain art deco elements. Moreover, when the theater expanded, the same style was recreated in the newer portions. Some elements were recreated. Others were kept intact. Plaster plaques include some of the 1920s originals.

When one visits the Paramount in Illinois, he will be greeted by some original posters in glass cases. He will notice bright colors of wallpaper and paint, some gilt trim, and the paradox of modern 3D film technology.
For more information  on upcoming events check out Paramount Theatre box office here!

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